#1 rated data governance platform
Data Privacy software that adapts to your stack’s compliance needs
Illuminate all your data sources and sensitive information.The industry’s fastest data discovery and classification.
Book a demoData visibility and governance with a single solution
MineOS bundles the most powerful data mapping with automatic DSR handling, consent management and data policy governance - an all-in-one solution to data privacy
AI Governance
Discover AI assets & create AI assessments
‍Extend privacy governance and compliance to all AI tools, with thorough AI asset discovery, AI risk assessments, policy rules and more
Inventory Discovery
Data Mapping with best-in-class results
Discover all your data sources by combining Mine’s unique Email Navigator technology with SSO, website, and cloud scans, for better coverage than the competition
Data Classification
Scan and detect data types
Build a continuous data map that fits your stack, with practical data classification that relies on a custom mix of AI, Smart Data Sampling and full PII scans
DSR Automation
Centralize & automate Data Subject Request handling
Make DSRs a breeze and empower data rights for your customers, with API integrations and customizable team workflows across all your channels
Powerful transformation for your your privacy and governance
MineOS’ scalable privacy platform bridges the gap between companies and consumers, building trusted relationships and growth with data. Learn more about MineOS for consumers